TATAMI (畳) In a previous article, we described the TATAMI (畳) woven-rush (straw) mat, which is used as flooring...
"pub culture" In England, a place to go after work and relax with friends is a Public House or Pub; in the U.S., t...
"Tomorrow is another day."There are times when, despite being prepared and making good efforts, things just don't go as well a...
O-FURO (お風呂)In today's article about dwelling in a Japanese house, we will take a look at the special room which...
oyako-don 親子丼 (chicken and egg topping)We may think of "fast food" as something that has only been developed and served in Western countrie...
虻蜂取らず (ABU HACHI TORA-ZU)Moving from one house to another is a complicated process, and involves many actions and details -- ...
SHOTEN-GAI (商店街)In an earlier article, we briefly explained about the traditional shopping streets, or SHOTEN-GAI (商...
The rainy season is called TSUYU (梅雨)During late-May, here in the Yokosuka City & Miura Peninsula area, the days start getting warmer, an...
順風満帆 (JUN-PU MAN-PAN)There are times in our lives when things do not go smoothly, unplanned requirements suddenly arise, ...
Japanese houses have many special featuresJapanese houses have many special features, and in a previous article we explained about the 玄関 (GEN...
切磋琢磨 (SESSA TAKUMA)Japan has a reputation for hard work and fine craftsmanship. Japanese manufactured goods, such as au...
"FAMI-RESU"Japan is a food-lover's delight, as there are so many places, both large and small, to go to eat. In...
TSUKI HI NI SEKIMORI NASHIWe have all heard the expression: "time flies"; and, for example, planning for a move into a new hou...
"Golden Week"Towards the end of April, Japanese people start looking forward to a long vacation period called "Go...
Japanese houses have some unique featuresJapanese houses have some unique features, and one of them is the "玄関" (GENKAN), which is a small re...
鑿と言いえば槌 (NOMI TO IE-BA TSUCHI)When dealing with daily challenges and tasks, it is helpful be perceptive, and to think ahead. In Ja...
Shopping in JapanShopping in Japan is a safe, convenient, and enjoyable experience.  Within Yokosuka City and the Miu...
人事を尽くして天命を待つ (JIN-JI WO TSUKU-SHITE TENMEI WO MATSU)This week's Japanese proverb is: 人事を尽くして天命を待つ (JIN-JI WO TSUKU-SHITE TENMEI WO MATSU). 人事/JIN-JI = h...
宵寝 朝起き 長者 の 基 (YOI-NE ASA-OKI CHO-JA NO MOTO)This week's Japanese proverb is: 宵寝 朝起き 長者 の 基 (YOI-NE ASA-OKI CHO-JA NO MOTO). 宵寝/YOI-NE = go to be...
The month of MarchThe month of March is a time when things change, as winter turns into early-spring, and the 桜 (SAKUR...