Electricity BillsTaking care of utilities bills nowadays has become pretty easy.  For example, you can pay at conveni...
Bon OdoriSummer weather in Yokosuka City and the Miura Peninsula tends to be uncomfortably hot and humid duri...
Relax at the Beach During the hot Japanese summers, many people will visit beaches for swimming, recreation, and relaxa...
Wallpaper In the rooms of many rental houses and apartments which our company manages, wallpaper instead of pa...
100 Yen Store in JapanYokosuka Navy Base (CFAY) is uniquely located right next to a vibrant downtown commercial district. ...
Beer garden in JapanIn huge crowded urban areas like Tokyo and Yokohama, the amount of green space is relatively limited...
YY Nori-mono FestivalVerny "Rose Garden" Park is located a short walking distance north of Yokosuka Navy Base (CFAY), adj...
Rainy season begins soon!The month of June in the Yokosuka City and Miura Peninsula areas is a time of seasonal transition, w...
What is circulation vent?In the Yokosuka City and Miura Peninsula areas, as the season changes from Spring to Summer, the tem...
"You can live your life crying, or you can live your life laughing"Japanese people, like in other countries, have developed ways of viewing and coping with their livin...
Verny Park near Yokosuka baseVerny Park near Yokosuka base A pleasant and unique park is located just a short walking distance...
Green time in Yokosuka JapanDuring springtime in Yokosuka City and the Miura Peninsula areas, multiple shades of the color green...
Use Shutters for many reasonsIn a previous article, linked below, we explained about how large/heavy rainstorms and windstorms (e...
Alcoholic beverage:Shochu Highball "Chu-Hi" In this article, we will take a look at an alcoholic beverage called "Chu-Hi".  Chu-Hi is short for ...
Family Restaurants:Saizeriya (Italian-style food)In past articles for our Staff Blog, we briefly described convenient and inexpensive places to go ou...
March in JapanThe month of March stands out for being a time of seasonal change, when winter starts transitioning ...
History of Samurai William AdamsOn a scenic & verdant hill, in eastern Yokosuka City, overlooking Tokyo Bay, is a memorial gravesite...
Zushi CityMost of the rental properties we manage are situated within Yokosuka City, but there are some others...
How to use Japanese smart toiletIn previous articles, linked below, we looked at how bathing and toilet rooms in Japanese houses and...
Japanese property-unique featuresMost of the rental houses and apartments we manage are equipped with modern appliances, as well as s...
Plum trees blossom in YokosukaWinters in Yokosuka City and the Miura Peninsula areas are comparatively mild, and generally, there ...
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