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住めば都 -- "SUME-BA MIYAKO"

In this article, we will look at an old Japanese saying about life and shelter. It is: 住めば都 -- "SUME-BA MIYAKO". The root meaning of the first character 住/SUMU is dwelling or living, and the final character 都/MIYAKO is capital or imperial city. So, the overall all meaning is that "where you live is your capital". Some English equivalents to this proverb are: "Home is where you make it", "There's no place like home", or "Wherever you live is the best place". In a previous article (see the link at the bottom), we explained some Japanese culture related to living in a house (家/IE), which also is one's home (内/UCHI) -- and the fact that UCHI also has the nuance of inside, privacy, and being protected from the outside world (外/SOTO). It may be that over the centuries, since Japan constantly experienced natural disasters (earthquakes, typhoons), and olden-days wooden construction houses often caught fire, Japanese people would sometimes have to live in makeshift dwellings until things could get rebuilt. So, this old proverb reflects feelings of perseverance, and the importance of doing all the (little) things needed to make one's shelter into a comfortable "home". In a way, we think this proverb also applies to rental properties. For example, you have moved overseas and very far away to an empty house or apartment in Japan, and once you start living there, the process begins to turn that place into your "home". At Iino Real Estate, we manage many properties which have good characteristics for renting to U.S. military-related customers, and we are always ready to help those places to become your "home capital".

written by Goodfield

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