Seasons and culture of Japan

TOKO-NO-MA (床の間)

In this article, we will look at a "special spot" which is located in a traditional Japanese "WA-SHITSU" (和室) room. Many Japanese dwellings will have one or two WA-SHITSU, and more details and descriptions are available in the articles linked at the bottom. An interesting feature found in traditional Japanese rooms is a TOKO-NO-MA (床の間), which is a recessed space, or alcove, usually located in a corner. The purpose of the TOKO-NO-MA is purely aesthetical, i.e., it is a special spot for displaying art. The WA-SHITSU can serve as a sitting room and is typically used as a place to relax (drink tea, for example) -- and therefore it is soothing to have a small display of beauty nearby in the TOKO-NO-MA. Japanese will normally display a calligraphic or pictorial scroll, or a plant/flower arrangement there. It is also a good spot to place a BONSAI (盆栽) miniature tree. Of course, there are many other options for decorating your TOKO-NO-MA, depending on your taste and imagination. Ideally, plant and flower displays should be changed according to the seasons, and the TOKO-NO-MA is also a perfect area to place artful pottery, porcelain, or sculptures. We hope you will take advantage of, and enjoy, this special feature of your Japanese house!

written by Goodfield

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