Area Guide

Facts About Yokosuka City

This article will take a brief look at some facts about Yokosuka City.  A couple of related background articles are provided at the links below.  Yokosuka was established as a city in 1907.  It has a population of just over 370,000 people.  Of interest, in the year 2000, the number of Yokosuka's residents was over 420,000, so, like the rest of Japan, the population is shrinking, and the percentage of elderly citizens is increasing.  Due to its location just south of Tokyo and Yokohama, Yokosuka has steadily been turning into a "bedroom town" where people live and then commute up to their jobs in the greater Tokyo area.  Yokosuka maintains "sister city" relations with Corpus Christi, U.S.; Brest, France; Freemantle, Australia; and Medway, UK.  The City tree and flower are "Oshima Cherry Tree" and "Hamayu Beach Lily", respectively.  Some of the larger employers in Yokosuka are the Oppama Nissan Autoworks, Sumitomo Shipyard, City government, and the U.S. Navy and JMSDF base complex.  Yokosuka is well-suited for traveling or commuting as it boasts two separate railways (Keihin Kyuko and JR) as well as several local automobile on-ramps to access Japan's extensive expressway road network.  Yokosuka is also a tourist destination as visitors arrive in large numbers to see the "big grey ships" anchored in the naval harbor, as well as enjoy "Navy Curry Rice" and "Navy Burger", which are the City's symbolic foods.  We hope you will enjoy experiencing and living in this unique place!         Written by Goodfield
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Yokosuka's history


history of YokosukaOff Base Housing Yokosuka | IINO REAL ESTATE is for rental housing in Yokosuka Japan...Civilian, Military house agency

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