DEPA-CHIKA (デパ地下)When it comes to U.S. and Japanese military facilities in Japan, Yokosuka Navy Base is pretty unique...
The character 百/hyaku = one hundred, 発/hatsu = shots, and 中/chu = hitsMoving from one dwelling to another is a complicated process and requires planning and execution of ...
Special types of Japanese furnitureIn previous articles, which you can find in our webpage "Staff Blog", we explained some things about...
Popular Alcohol in Japan:"Highball"A popular alcoholic beverage nowadays in Japan is simple cocktail called: ハイボール or"Highball". It can...
Even the gorilla is surprised! Renovating a house with Japanese harmony -- "WA/和" (Part 3)March 3, 2023 -- House Rebuilding Project Even the gorilla is surprised! Renovating a house with ...
銭あるときは銭なき日を思え (ZENI ARU TOKI WA ZENI NAKIHI WO OMO-E).There is a well-worn proverb in Japan which goes as follows: 銭あるときは銭なき日を思え (ZENI ARU TOKI WA ZENI NA...
Onigiri, a very popular comfort food in JapanIn this article, we will take a look at a very popular Japanese comfort food, which in the West is c...
automatic vending machines ( 自動販売機 JIDO HANBAI KI )When driving or walking around in Yokosuka City and the Miura Peninsula areas, it is easy to notice ...
"SHOCHU" (焼酎)A previous article about the beer-like mixed drink called "Hoppy" (see link at bottom) mentioned "SH...
住めば都 -- "SUME-BA MIYAKO"In this article, we will look at an old Japanese saying about life and shelter. It is: 住めば都 -- "SUME...
"DON-BURI" (丼)There are many types of traditional foods prepared and eaten in Japan. For foreigners, there are som...