Japanese culture and food


There are four distinct seasons in Japan, and as the seasons change, festivals and special events are held.  In recent years, the summers have become hotter, and the warm humid weather lasts well into September.  However, by the time of the Autumnal Equinox, things start ti cool down.  In fact. there is an old Japanese saying which goes: 暑さ寒さも彼岸まで (Atsu-sa samu-sa mo higan ma-de) -- Hot and cold only last until the equinox.  The Autumnal Equinox is called 秋分の日 (Shu-bun no hi) and usually falls on 22 or 23 September.  It is observed as a national holiday.  During the Shubun week, it is Japanese custom for people to get together and visit their family graves and pay respects to their deceased loved ones and ancestors.  September is also the time when the full "Harvest" Moon appears, and there is an ancient tradition of going outside together to drink and eat in the Moonlight.  This is called 月見 (Tsuki-mi) which means "Moon viewing".  There are some temples and shrines which will hold festivals to celebrate the Equinox.  We hope you will be able to enjoy the arrival of Fall in Japan.  If you would like to learn more, please click on the links provided below.

Written by Goodfield

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Autumnal Equinox Day: Celebrating the Arrival of Fall in Japan – J-Life International (

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