Seasons and culture of Japan


In the rooms of many rental houses and apartments which our company manages, wallpaper instead of paint is used.  Japan has a centuries old tradition of weaving silk and producing intricate textiles, and during the early 1900's started manufacturing high-quality wallpaper.  In modern Japanese homes, wallpaper is used for both practical and aesthetic purposes.  There are countless options for colors and designs which can help to create a sense of beauty, balance, and comfort in various rooms.  Unlike paint, which can crack or chip, Japanese wallpaper is very durable and can be left as is for up to ten years.  Also, it is manufactured in such a way as to be completely non-toxic and will not emit gases or smells.  Some other characteristics of Japanese wallpapers are moisture absorption, anti-bacteria/virus, deodorant, etc., and they can be installed on the walls of rooms where such properties are useful.  The article at the link below provides a good general overview of Japanese wallpaper -- please take a look if you are interested.  Wallpaper is designed to last a long time and does not require constant cleaning.  However, in cases where it gets marked, stained, or torn, please do not use paint to cover it up.  Rather, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help you solve the problem, and explain about the wallpaper used in your dwelling.  We hope you will enjoy living in your Japanese home with rooms brightened-up by wallpaper. 

Written by Goodfield






Japanese Wallpaper Facts


The Amazing Properties of Japanese Wallpaper | WallpaperSifu       

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