Living in Japan

What is circulation vent?

In the Yokosuka City and Miura Peninsula areas, as the season changes from Spring to Summer, the temperatures rise, and the air becomes more humid.  This can cause some challenges for keeping things cool, fresh, and clean in your Japanese house.  We have written a few articles, loaded onto our company's Staff Blog, which explain about the annual Rainy Season, how to best use air conditioning, and products which help to prevent the build-up of mildew/mold -- please click on the link below to access the articles.  Another simple system to help keep air fresh is the "passive" circulation vent.  Most of the houses which we manage are equipped with these small-sized vents, which are generally square-shaped and installed on the wall in several rooms.  They are spring-operated and can be opened or closed by pressing the center surface area of the vent.  They do not open out very wide but are designed to allow air to slowly/steadily flow in and out of the house and prevent pressure build-ups.  It is recommended to keep the vents open, except in cases of torrential rainstorms or typhoons.  If you have any questions about the circulation vents, please contact us.  Of note, the reason these small square wall vents (some are circular or cylindrical) can be found in newer Japanese houses is due to a construction-related law, which was passed in 2003, and mandated their installation as a countermeasure against "sick building syndrome".  Also, in addition to the "passive" wall vents, Japanese houses are equipped with electric ventilation/exhaust fans -- over the stove in the kitchen, on the ceiling of the bathing room, and sometimes in the toilet room.  All of these systems, along with regularly "airing-out" the house by briefly opening all the windows, will help to reduce the negative effects of dust, mold, and odors, etc.  We hope this information will help you enjoy living in your Japanese home!

Written by Goodfield


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