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  • 順風満帆 (JUN-PU MAN-PAN)
Seasons and culture of Japan


There are times in our lives when things do not go smoothly, unplanned requirements suddenly arise, or we run out of time to get something done, etc. In such cases, we simply must be patient and persevere -- don't give up, and keep things moving forward. On the other hand, there are those happy times when all is going well, according to plan, and on-schedule. In Japan there is an expression for this: 順風満帆 (JUN-PU MAN-PAN). 順 = right or favorable, 風 = wind, 満 = full, and 帆 = sail (of a ship). So, the Kanji characters combine to produce the meaning: "Favorable wind and full sails." In the olden days, ships which used wind-power to sail on the seas, often had to deal with all kinds of problems caused by weather. So, they needed to be well-prepared, and it was welcome relief when the wind blew at the right speed and direction, the waves were not too high, and the voyage proceeded smoothly. In the West, there is a very similar maritime expression which goes: "Fair winds and following seas." We hope your move into a Japanese house will go smoothly!

written by Goodfield

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