Seasons and culture of Japan

Shopping in Japan

Shopping in Japan is a safe, convenient, and enjoyable experience.  Within Yokosuka City and the Miura Peninsula area, there are many large supermarkets, "big-box" general stores (similar to Walmart), and shopping malls.  Just a short drive to the north, in Yokohama, are IKEA and COSTCO.  Most of these large retailers have parking lots, so you can use your car to go buy things.  In addition, at various locations in Yokosuka -- usually near railway stations -- are the old traditional shopping streets called: 商店街 (SHOTENGAI).  Parking is limited and most shoppers walk from the local neighborhoods, or go via bus, taxi, or train.  SHOTENGAI are lined with small "Mom and Pop" stores, selling groceries, hardware, electric appliances, etc.; along with beauty parlors, coffee shops, restaurants, bookstores, pubs, banks, and a big variety of other specialty stores.  Visiting the various SHOTENGAI located around your future house in Japan will be a fascinating experience, where you can always discover something new, and get a taste of Japan's traditional commercial culture.
written by Goodfield

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