Seasons and culture of Japan

The month of March

The month of March is a time when things change, as winter turns into early-spring, and the 桜 (SAKURA) cherry blossom trees start flowering. But there are a couple other things which make March a special and busy month in Japan. First, is the ending of the school year -- and graduation ceremonies (卒業式 / SOTSUGYO- SHIKI) and celebrations occur all around Japan. Second, is the ending of the fiscal year (年度 / NENDO), and it is a time for many companies to settle accounts & report financial results (決算 / KESSAN). As for those who have graduated from their schools, March also becomes the time when many of them have to find jobs, and as a result, companies and organizations become very busy with recruiting, accepting, and training new & young employees. In fact, our own company has been able to hire several excellent new employees this month. So, in the end, all of the abovementioned activities need to be completed, so everything is in-place and ready-to-go when the new school year and fiscal year start on 01 April.

written by Goodfield

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