Seasons and culture of Japan

Valentine's Day

Beginning as early as mid-January, supermarkets and department stores in Yokosuka set-up special merchandise shelves full of all kinds of chocolates -- the variety is incredible (Japanese, Swiss, Belgian, French, etc.) This is in preparation for Valentine's Day, which is celebrated in Japan on 14 February, same as in the United States. The first mention of Valentines Day happened back in 1936, as part of an advertisement from the Mozoroff confectionary company in Kobe City. Then, in 1958, a company called Merry Chocolates held a special "Valentines Day" sale at Tokyo's big and famous Isetan Department Store -- and it was a total success. So, the next year the company did another sales campaign using heart-shaped chocolates, and, added the slogan that women should buy and give the sweets to men. Over the following decades, this "chocolate-infused" Valentines Day tradition spread all around Japan. Also, different categories of women's chocolate gifts developed over time. 義理チョコ (GIRI CHOCO) which means "obligation chocolates", are given to office mates, family members, and acquaintances -- as a collegial gesture. Then there is 友チョコ (TOMO CHOCO), or "friend chocolates", which are giving to female friends. Finally, the chocolate given to a person for whom a woman has romantic feelings is called: 本命チョコ (HONMEI CHOCO), and is typically higher quality and more expensive. But, when all is said and done, anyone can buy these amazing chocolates, so now is a great chance to really treat your sweet tooth!

written by Goodfield

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