Seasons and culture of Japan


The chilliest time of winter in Japan occurs during the last half of January, and, as previously noted, the traditional "SEKKI" calendar calls it "大寒 DAIKAN" (Big Cold). However, now the days are slowly starting to lengthen and sunlight is gradually getting brighter. Based on this, February 4th is called "立春 RISSHUN" (First Day of Spring) -- although the cold weather will continue for a while longer. On the day before RISSHUN, there is a festival called: "節分 SETSUBUN", which serves as a way for Japanese to welcome spring's early arrival. SETSUBUN is celebrated, both in homes and at temples, by throwing-out roasted soy beans to ward off evil (and evil is sometimes "enacted" by a person masked or dressed-up like a demon). Another tradition is to eat an "EHO-MAKI 恵方巻" which is a thick rolled sushi, and is sold at almost all supermarkets and convenience stores on February 3rd. Of note, the EHO-MAKI must be eaten at one time, in silence, and while facing the "lucky direction" (which in 2022 is: north-northwest).

written by Goodfield

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