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  • 七転び八起き (NANA-KOROBI YA-OKI)
Seasons and culture of Japan


There is an old Japanese proverb about perseverance which goes as follows: 七転び八起き (NANA-KOROBI YA-OKI). NANA = seven, KOROBI = fall down, YA = eight, and OKI = rise up. So, even when you fall down seven times, if you get back up eight times, you will still be standing in the end. Japan is a country which often experiences natural disasters, like earthquakes and typhoons, so even when things fall down or get damaged, it is important to simply start repairing and rebuilding. Japanese admire those who continue to strive, and a similar saying in English is: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

written by Goodfield

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