Seasons and culture of Japan

"house" and 家 (IE)

The Japanese word for "house" is: 家 (IE), and it refers to a physical building or structure which exists to provide shelter and living space. However, a different word, 内 (UCHI) is used when Japanese refer to their "home"; and, the closer we look at the meaning of "UCHI", we can learn more about an interesting side of Japanese culture. UCHI has the additional meaning of "inside" or "one's group", as opposed to 外 (SOTO), which means all things "outside" (e.g., strangers). The idea & sense of UCHI developed a long time ago from Japan's small farming village life, where it was used to think about the residents of your own village. In modern times has come to mean: the family members in your house, students in your school class, or members of your company, etc. -- all are "inside" your group. A key thing about UCHI and SOTO is how it influences Japanese social (and business) interactions, because within one's family/group (UCHI) it is possible to be relaxed, familiar, and open; but, when dealing with outsiders or customers (SOTO), things become more careful, respectful, and bows & honorific language must be used, etc. -- and this is one of the reasons for the well-known "politeness" of Japanese people. So, circling back to the beginning, some day, when you start renting, and living in, your Japanese place, remember that it is not only an IE, but also, your UCHI. In future articles we'll look at some other cultural aspects of Japanese homes -- stay tuned!

written by Goodfield

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